Jui kuen II

Wong: Well?
Get over here, Cho!
What's this?
He did it! Fei-Hong!
How could you do such a thing?
Are you out of your mind?
You are destroying
my reputation!

Here you go, Father.
You dropped your bonsai tree.

That's it!
I'm gonna kill you!

Ruin me! Drunk!
Wait, Wong, don't! Aah!
Hurt my friends!
That's it!

Just listen!
It was stolen off the train

and he couldn't get it back!
Oh, shit.
What am I saying?

See, he was trying
to save you some tax.

How would he have known
the ginseng would be stolen?

The ginseng was stolen?
Even so,
he still lied to me!

No! Not acceptable!
You shouldn't defend him!
He's a thief and a drunk.
Just stay out of it!

I'm thirsty.
Oh, yeah?
You like some wine?
Just stay right there.

I'll give you some wine.
Come on, open up.

Come on, drink!
Stop it, Wong! Stop!

No more!
What are you doing?

You're going to fight me now?
I disown you!
You are not my son!
Now, get out!
You better do as I say!
