
...as an unwanted foreign substance...
...and creates antibodies
to fight and reject it.

From this equation comes
the idea for the drug, Expectane...

...which acts to neutralize
the interfering antibodies...

...and promote successful
embryo attachment.

Minnie here, had a history of miscarriages.
As a result of our treatments, she's now
in her seventh month of pregnancy.

She takes 10 cc of Expectane
three times a day.

Hey, Keith. Good morning.
-Larry. Hey, big day.

-Are you nervous?
-FDA? Piece of cake.

-Sign those plan documents, will you?
-All right.

Hello, Louise. Hello, everybody.
Mrs. Parrish is in
for a second trimester sonogram.

You have an initial consultation
with the Lanzarottas...

-...and Mrs. Logan's here for a final.
-Okay. Bagel, please. Thank you.


-l'm ready to explode.
-Not here, you're not.

-Just one more month.

-Get me new blood and urine samples.
-Blood and urine samples.

Dr. Hesse, good luck with the FDA.
Luck is for the ill-prepared.
-Car's waiting out front.
-Thank you.

l had them check the traffic reports.
And the big dweeb?
He and Mr. Banes
will meet you downtown. Good luck.

ln testing the drug on chimpanzees
with a history of miscarriages...

...l found conclusively that in
every instance the side effects observed...

...were consistent with the behavioral
and metabolic changes in subjects...

...with normal, unmedicated pregnancies:
Nausea, mood swings,
appetite fluctuation, irritability--

Typical ''lamb chop's got a bun
in the oven'' type behavior.
