-My babies!
-Out of the way!
Thank you. Thank you.
That's not necessary.
Get off me.
Thank you so very much.
Leave me alone.
-Dr. Reddin? Are you all right?
l'm fine. Thank you.
-No harm done.
Are they...?
Okay, let me just check these. Thank God.
They're all right. They're all right.
Frozen eggs, huh?
Yes. l call it the dairy section.
lf it weren't for the lightning reflexes of--
Where is he? He's gone.
-Dr. Hesse has left the building.
Wait. lt's his laboratory, isn't it?
-You like it?
Yes. But l don't want to displace anybody.
You won't be, l promise.
Take the chimps back to the primate lab.
We won't be needing them anymore.
-Where you going?
-l'm going back to Europe to start over.
You're running out on me?
l don't believe this. What are you doing?
We're partners. You can't just leave.
We're not partners anymore. l have no lab,
no funding, no future here.
Wait a minute. What about all the people
you'd be leaving behind?
What about your girlfriend?
What's her name again?
-l don't have a girlfriend.
-You're better off.