

-''Strudelhunds. ''

Pastry hounds. Yeah, that's the...
...insult that they hurl upon them.
l'll go get you some crackers, because...
...it'll head off trouble that's approaching.
He'll be all right.
-But you're not fat.

Because l'm taking a new formula.
l've only nine more weeks of the protocol.
lt's funny how you don't appreciate
somebody until they're gone.

l'm not gone. You're gone.
What do you want to talk about?

lt's about our contract.
Got a couple of minutes?

-Not really.
-l really need to talk to you.

l feel so humiliated.
Don't be. People get sick all the time.
There's no need to be ashamed.

l feel like l've lost control over my body.
Control's important to you, isn't it?
What do you mean?
Same three shirts, week in, week out.
Same coat peg...
...same wash basin. That odd little ritual
with the liverwurst and apple every day.

-l like order. What's wrong with that?

lt's just an observation.
And l don't like being sick.
ls there anything wrong with that?
-lt's just that men--
-Men what?

They're pathetic when it comes to pain.
You should try being a woman sometime.
lt's a nightmare.

Your body goes peculiar with your period
and doesn't stop until menopause.

lt's a lifetime of leaking and swelling...
...and spotting and smears.
Crippling cramps, raging hormones, yeasts!
And that's if everything's normal.
-l never wanted to be a woman.
-l'm just saying.
