
lf this gets out, your life is over.
You're a freak.
My license? Kiss it good-bye.
lt's not going to get out.
l know this is unfair to you.
And it's dangerous for both of us...

...but l want my baby.
And l need your help.
Move back in with me. l want you
off your feet as much as possible.

And no going to the lab.
-No buts about it.

You're in for a lot of sacrifices.
You'd better get used to that.

So, otherwise how are you feeling?
Anything unusual?
Jesus, what the heck am l talking about?
''Anything unusual?''

l've noticed the side effects
of pregnancy are amplified...

...with the dosage of Expectane
that l've required.

The morning sickness, the mood swings.
Sleepiness, sexual appetite.
Sexual appetite?
Yesterday, just scooping the middle
out of a honeydew melon gave me...

-...a Steifen.
-A what?

That's normal.
l get them all the time.
lt's nice to be back.
lt's going to be a lot of fun.
-Do l have the same room again?
-You betcha.

What do you want to do tonight?
Should we stay in or go out for dinner?

Didn't l close down
the Expectane project six months ago?

Then why would Diana Reddin's account
show continuing...

...requisitions for Expectane components?
ls she up to something
with Arbogast and Hesse?

l don't know, sir.
Larry, l'm not whining.
lt's just that you said
you'd be home no later than 6:00.
