Don't worry.
I will give him his natural colour.
Good, I am leaving.
I see you like women.
I wish I had met you.
You would have fallen in love with me.
And I would have definitely fallen in love with you.
You can not imagine
what I've been through, Ramon.
All the crazy people want me.
And I fall in love with them, because that's how I am.
If they have a good soul and a nice "tool"
I fall in love with them.
Your stepfather is a fine type too
He is weird though.
Very strange,
but in bed he is really the best.
Today he called me
and I thought we were going to have sex.
And now I am doing makeup on a dead guy
but never mind because I like you.
I just want to know
if I am going to have sex today or not.
I don't see you having a funeral here.
Where is the family?
I don't see a funeral aura.
These are too American...
He is warm!
-What is going on?
-He blushed.
-This isn't possible.
-He is allergic to makeup.
-Dead people don't have allergies.
-I swear he changed color.
-Do you see his color?
-It's because of the make up.
I just did this spot.