
Then go on. I liked it.
-Can we have dinner tonight?
-And anything else you fancy!

-Abaro, what are you doing here?
- I came to have breakfast with you.

-Is that why you dressed up like this?
-Do you find me provocative?

If they ask you what's the going rate
don't be surprised.

I am not getting angry, cause you don't mean any harm.
You are just jealous.

I came to see you cause I'm worried about you.
-I can tell.
-I know you.

I think Ramon suspects something.
He asked me to marry him.

This is amazing!
It's strange though, cause we are presently going
through a crisis.

It's fantastic.
Do you know many people getting married
after having lived together for two years?

It's sweet, but is he perhaps suspecting something?
It's better this way. You should listen to me
I know better.

If you have a problem with Ramon
the stepfather is not a solution.

But you said Nicholas fucks better.
For your information, Ramon
performs equally well.

Then what's the problem?
Just stop the bullshit and marry him.

-It's all so simple for you.
-He is rich too.

I think he is going to Nick's apartment.
Suzanna, what are you doing here?
I thought it was the postman.

Won't you invite me in? I've been looking for you for months.
-How did you find me?
-Sheer luck.

I saw you in a show.
I didn’t even know your name.

I only knew a few things about you.
You owe me some explanations.

-As you wish. Come on in.
-Thank you.
