You are drooling all over me!
I am talking to you!
Let me go!
Hurry up please.
A woman is being raped at
Douke Sevigia street nr 3, sixth floor.
-How do you know? Are you the rapist?
-I am just a voyeur .
-Name and address.
-Alehandro Moonioz. Orenze 23.
And you thing I believe you?
The rapist looks like Batho
and he is holding a knife.
Did you write down the address?
Take care.
Some stupid man says Paul Batho
is raping a woman.
What a world! Did he tell you where?
-Shall we go check it out?
-He is probably lying.
Why don't we go for a ride then and we'll see tomorrow morning.
I am not in the mood today.
Time goes by so fast. Have you noticed?
Should I put collagen in my lips?
I've done everything else.
Even a chin job.
In America this dimple is priceless.
I didn't leave it like this though.
Me and Mr. Douglas have it.