Time's up, my turn now.
Change the channel
and I'll smash your face!
Sorry, sweetheart.
Good morning, sleepy.
Hi, honey. Hey, you two.
Sweetheart, turn that down,
mom has got a headache.
She took my turn!
She just wants to watch
these goddamn cartoons!
It wouldn't hurt her
to move her ass a bit.
I'm not the one
with the fat ass around here!
Can someone who is doing nothing
all day but watching cartoons
move her little ass
and go get some food?
I dare you to say that again!
Margie, I think I screwed up.
It wouldn't be the first time,
I mean you always come up
with something, right?
Yeah, but I think I went
a little too far this time.
I think you're going
a little too far right now.
I'm gonna be late for work.
How about working at home today?
She's gonna hit me! Daddy.
Shit, shut the goddamn door!
Fucking bitch!
can somebody answer the phone?
I'm busy!