and you missed some nice jobs, too.
I been training.
Training's good.
But don't overdo it, huh?
You know training don't pay
as good as working, Leon.
all the money I make...
that you keep for me.
You need some money?
No. Just curious.
I've been working a longtime
and haven't done anything
with my money,
I thought maybe some day
I could...
use it.
You met a woman?
you gotta be careful with women.
Remember when you arrived in this
country, Leon? When I took you in,
you were still wet behind
the fucking ears,
and already you were in deep shit
because of a woman...
Don't forget that, Leon.
Wish I could, sometimes.
You know, about my money.
Maybe I,
maybe I could give... little...
to someone.
You know, to help out.
Hey, it's your money, I mean,
I'm just holding it for you,
you know. Like a bank. Except that, you
know, better than a bank because,
you know, banks are always
knocked off.
And no one knocks off old Tony.
And besides, in a bank
there's always tons of forms
to be filled and all that shit.
But old Tony, nothing to read,
nothing to write -
it's all in his head.
I know how to read now.
That's good, Leon, good.