La Reine Margot

France is torn apart
by the Wars of Religion.

Catholics and Protestants
have been fighting for years.

King Charles lX always let his mother,
Catherine de Medici, rule.

But today the Protestant leader,
Admiral Coligny, has the King's trust:

the entire country might
switch over to the new religion.

To quench the hatred, Catherine
sets up an alliance for peace:

she marries her daughter Margot
to Henri of Navarre,
her Protestant cousin.

A political scheme
that everybody sees through.

But Coligny wants war with
Catholic Spain. He must be stopped.

August 18. A heat wave
has fallen over Paris.

Thousands of Protestants
have come for the wedding.
They are invading the inns
and the streets.

Their dark clothes and looks
provoke the Parisians,
already on the verge of rebellion.

Margot's wedding,
a symbol of peace and reconciliation,

will be used to set off the greatest
massacre in the history of France.

lt's up there.
Ten coins for the room
and two for the horse.
Ten coins for that!
