And in April, Coligny,
how many men did you lose?
lt's not a war!
How many Protestants fought?
But it's not a war.
What is it, then? Answer me. 4,000?
This is a crusade, not a war!
They were ready to die!
But not to fight!
Spain crushed them!
Won't you help Flanders?
Maybe not!
We are willing to help, but...
But what?
lt's Spain!
We would be fighting the King of Spain!
And we're just not ready!
Not to fight Europe's greatest army!
Attack Spain, and France takes sides
with the Protestant countries!
But if Spain wins Flanders,
we'll be besieged.
You mean besieged by Catholics!
How long to prepare?
We're ready!
Why did we accept this wedding,
if not to bring peace?
- Peace? You liar!
- We want peace inside France,
so Catholics and Protestants
may fight together outside!
You've 6,000 men here.
And they want to fight.
They're hungry! Beware!
Beware they do not start a revolt
that no one can stop!
l want this war!
The King wants it too.
We'll be ready.
Come feed the dog, Coligny.