La Reine Margot

among these sects...
and greet me in the community...
obedient to the Pope.''
l thought you were dead.
They let you live!

l too converted.
Don't be ashamed. We're alive!
Bells? No one's left to kill!
Your friend Condé got away.
One more, one less! Who cares?
You are now a proud Catholic King!
You can be proud!
Proud to rule over a country
full of dead bodies!

Paris is a cemetery!
Your subjects are either dead
or covered in shame!
You always worry about your sons.
Well, don't any more -
because they're damned!

And l am too!
They were my wedding guests!
And you used me as bait
for the massacre!
Not in public!
Your family doesn't need bait
to start a massacre.

How many killers did youtake along?
l finished what the King started.
No! The King
saved us! Don't insult him!
How many did it take
for Coligny?
Stop it!
Take a message to Condé.
l'm a prisoner too!
Come on!
l wanted peace, Margot!
Peace for the kingdom, for my children!
You are no longer to leave the Louvre.
