Calm down.
You're my redemption, La Mรดle.
l beg you to hit me.
Get up!
Are you hungry?
You want to eat?
Can l cook something?
Tomato, basil and fresh onions.
lt's my turn to feed you.
And the Louvre?
l'm there all the time.
That's what makes me sick.
Can you really get in?
They're all silk-clad vultures!
Nobody cares about the massacre,
except me.
You take me for an idiot?
You have a letter for Henri of Navarre.
But you want her!
You wish to free her.
Help me!
No! lt's too dangerous!
- She saved me!
- To better ruin you.
Who managed to get you up?
You're lucky...
l can't any more.
He's the one
she thought was dead,
and dreams about.
l know.
You were eating?