La Reine Margot

Anjou is leaving. My heart bleeds...
l love my three children.
l mean, all four of them...
Why come back?
Wasn't he good enough?

l came back for you!
La Mรดle would die to free us!

- Us?
- He'd die for us!

He'd die for another night with you.
His life is no use to me.
Have you gone mad?
Don't you care who they killed?
Your blood will soon be on the wall!
You must go,

flee as soon as you can!
Charles trusts me.
You did it for a reason!
And he knows it!
l saved him,
and he saved me.
To leave would be betrayal.
To stay is betrayal!
To hear you say that is shocking!
lt sounds like you mean it!
You betrayed your faith.
Now it's your friends!

You grovel at Charles's feet.
Last night he was different.
He always is!
l know him so well...
l love him!
l'm going to wash.
You once asked me to be your ally.
So l guided and protected you.
Now it's my turn to ask.
Let Navarre be a haven for me!
Take me to Navarre.
Take me with him!
Whom do you wish to rule over?
Navarre, your lover, or me?

l only slept with you
so people would know!

You've no right over me.
They're inseparable.
They're out hunting again.
