Look: La Mรดle.
Do you know the name?
Are you listening?
He's Margot's lover.
A man of taste!
Both in women and books!
l must meet him!
Why are the pages stuck?
Every day l'll send a messenger.
You'll know everything...
About the family, France...
Every day,
until l call you back for good.
l'll pretend to be their King.
But my heart will be here...
with you.
You'll be back soon,
dear eyes,
my conqueror!
l'll die!
To the King of Poland!
Now we're all kings!
Anjou in Poland,
me here...
You, in Navarre!
You want Navarre?
lt's yours!
Nature, wine, garlic...
And hunting!
The other day, my emotions...
They nearly made you kill
the horseman instead of the horse!
Damned emotions!