Legends of the Fall

lt was a very bad time.
The Colonel had tried
to help the people.

But it was no use.
So he decided to go his own way.
He wanted to lose the madness
over the mountains. he said.

Begin again.
Lose the madness. he said...
And so we lived for many years,
and the boys grew strong.

Alfred was the older brother.
old even for his years.

Samuel was the youngest
There was nothing these brothers
would not do for him.

They watched over him
like a treasure.

One year... l am an oldman,
l cannot remember the year.

lt was the moon of the redgrass.
lsabel Ludlow. their mother.
went away for the winter.

She said the winters
were too cruel forher.

She said she was
afraid of the bears.

She was a strange woman, anyway.
That spring, though,
she did not retum.

And after that she did not
come much to see us.

Alfred wrote her many letters,
but Tristan refused to speak ofher.
