When l was 13.
l was sent away to boarding school.
l hated it.
May l help you?
- You're going to marry Samuel.
- That's right.
l'm going to marry Tristan.
Then we'll be sisters.
- l see you two have met.
- lsabel Two is letting me help.
- Rest now. You must be exhausted.
- No. not at all.
This is so refreshing.
All this grandeur.
This unexpected gift from God.
lt doesn't seem like much of a gift
four months into a hard winter.
-Where's Samuel?
- He's inside with your father.
- You're very generous.
- No ... just happy.
Stop mooning over Miss Finncannon.
Tell Samuel about the new calves.
Come on.
Excuse my father.
lt makes him feel young and powerful
to treat us like idiot children.
For this and all his other blessings,
may God's name be praised. Amen.
Tell Father
what you were saying about Vienna.
The Kaiser. He won't stop them
from annihilating Serbia.
- No talk ofwar at the table.
-All England is mobilizing.
-We're stuck out here.
- Thank God for that.
-We're evading our duty.
-Are you?