Your father will be pleased.
Susannah was to retum to Boston
on the moming train.
But a norther blew for three days,
and snow drifted over the tracks.
The Colonel insisted
she stay on until spring.
The house was too empty, he said.
This was still her home.
he told her.
He should have let her go.
But how could he have known
what would happen?
She was not to blame.
She was like the water that freezes
in the rock and splits it apart
lt was no more her fault
than it is of the water-
- when the rock shatters.
- when the rockshatters.
Susannah ...
You know how much ...
l loved Samuel.
And l think you know ...
Out of respect for him, l wanted
to say it here. l think you know ...
... l'm in love with you.
From the first moment l saw you.
Like in a novel.
That's my mother's romantic
imagination coming out in me.