Lightning Jack

Bank robbery bungled.
''In a display of criminal stupidity...
one of the two would-be robbers
managed to shoot himself...

before the tellers
could even raise their hands.

His partner panicked...
and the two fled in fear as
the bank staff laughed in their faces.

One witness thought one of the men
was Jack Kane.''Jack Kane?

What happened to Lightning Jack?
I sweat blood earning that handle...
and some pissant reporter
just leaves it out.

I'm writing him a letter.
''But U.S. Marshal Daniel Kurtz
dismissed this claim...

saying, 'Every time there's a robbery,
someone identifies Kane.

But that colorful outlaw era
is finished.

Kane is just a loose end
who will be cut off.

He sure ain't no Jesse James.'''
What do they mean,
I ain't no Jesse James?

What's so special about Jesse James?
He sure didn't impress me none.
Do I know Jesse James? Yeah.
Rode on a few banks a couple of years
back with him and his brother Frank.

Frank's the brains.
Jesse is a pecker-head.

Pecker. Down there.
That's your pecker.

Jesse's a pecker-head.
Is he bald?
