Love Affair

I was looking through a phone
book for a man named McBride...

...and I ran across the name
"T. McKay. "

I said to myself:
"Could that possibly be Terry McKay,
my old friend?"

- It was.
- And then I said to myself:

"I wasn't very nice to her. I had
an appointment with her, and I...

...didn't keep it. "
- You didn't?
- No.

So then I said to myself... I talk
to myself quite a lot these days.

"That's not a nice way
to treat a friend.

I have to apologize to her. "
If one doesn't keep an appointment,
shouldn't they apologize?

Yes, you're absolutely right.
The least people can do
is say they're sorry.

So here I am.
- That's very sweet.
- I thought so.

I've often wondered about you.
- Have you really?
- Yes, really.

I've wondered about you, too.
You weren't angry?

You must have been at first.
I was. I was.
At first, I was furious.
I said, "He can't do this to me.
Who does he think he is?"

- Did you wait long?
- Yes, I waited. I waited until...

- Then what?
- I got really mad.

You can just imagine,
being up there...

In a thunderstorm.
- In a thunderstorm?
- Yeah.

What did you say?
Then I said, "Why don't you
just go home and get drunk?"

- But you didn't.
- I didn't?

You just took one little drink...
...every hour for about two months.
Can you blame me?
Not at all. No.
The least I could've done
was send you a note.
