Love Affair

...and there was a young woman
who came in and really liked it.

They told me she kept trying
to buy it so I said:

"Just give it to her because she
wants the damn thing so much. "

They said she didn't seem like
she had a lot of money...

...and not only that,
they told me she was...

She was...
When is your flight?
I said, "By all means...
...give it to her because I never took
any money for paintings and it was...

...Christmas season, ho-ho-ho.
So I...
Oh, Mike, don't look at me like that.
Why didn't you tell me?
If anything had to happen
to one of us...

...why did it have to be you?
It was my own fault.
I was looking up.

I knew you were there.
