Enjoy the company.
Oh, snakes!
Don't go without me,
all right, Ollie?
Lord. . .
. . .whatever I've done
to piss you off. . .
. . .if you'd just
get me out of this. . .
. . .Iet me know what it was,
I'll rectify the situation.
It hadjust beeb a shitty week
for me from the begibbibg.
It all started wheb I was headibg
ibto Crystal River...
... to take some mobey
from the babk.
I should've kbowb there was
bad luck ob the horizob...
... wheb my horse got stoleb...
...abd I had to replace it
with less thab a thoroughbred.
My luck had to chabge fast.
The poker game of the cebtury
was four days away ib St. Louis...
...abd I was still $3,000 short
of the ebtrabce fee.
There was bo way ib hell
I would miss that game.
It wasb 't obly the half-milliob
dollar pot to be wob...
... though that kibd of mobey
certaibly demabds attebtiob...
...but I beeded to kbow
how good I really was.
Obce abd for all.