
I have to assume
since you're still alive. . .

. . .and playing cards with us. . .
. . .that you're good at it.
Care to find out?
Gentlemen, this hand definitely
does not count. Take it all.

Whatever you think's fair, and
I'll be content with the leavings.

You always been gutless?
I think so. For as long
as I can remember at any rate.

My old pappy used to say,
""He who fights and runs away. . .

. . .can run away another day. ""
Look, I don't see--
Slow down there!
Where's the fire, son?
Slow down. Don't shoot me, okay?
I'm just trying to. . .expound.

I was saying, I don't see
what's so great about being brave.

I'm a card player.
Call me a gambler.

I want to become an old gambler.
You are a gunfighter.
An exceptional one at that,
from what I hear.

If I went up against you, what
chance would I have had? Answer?

Absolutely none whatsoever.
Damn thing won't stay
in the holster.

I must have a spring in there.
Come on, let's just play poker.
Who wants to play poker?
Who wants to see
someone get killed?

Let's play poker.
I'd rather be rich than dead.
Was that fast?
I thought that was fast.
