You sons of bitches
beat me by a day!
You're holding out.
That's all I got left.
Nothing to worry about.
We want to talk to you, pal.
Where're you going?
Got you now!
-Anybody see you?
-Not a soul.
You come in any later last night,
that monster would've eaten me alive.
We saw that.
Anybody suspect anything?
Not a thing. You were great!
The truth is, we enjoyed it.
No kidding.
Thanks for taking it so easy on us.
Those were my best shots.
The one there
rung my bell a little bit.
-That's good.
-You owe us five dollars apiece.
Damn right.
That's $5 a beating, right?
You won't believe this.
They cleaned the bank and me out.
I'm gonna have to owe you.
Are you saying. . .
. . .you don't have our money
for taking your best shots?
-Killing me won't make you richer.
-But it'll make me feel better.
You got a point there.
Let's see here.
I'm sorry. I forgot!
I honestly forgot.
I always keep something pinned
inside my vest. . .
. . .for such a rainy day occasion.
It's a good thing.
It was clouding up pretty quick.
That's a $1 00 bill.
A $1 00 bill!?
But I do need some change.
80 will be close enough. 75.