
What is it?
What do you hear?
I thought I'd nap before sundown.
Sneak up on them in the dark.
What are you laughing at?
There's 6 horses there.
It's got to be them.

-You got good eyes.
-We got to tie these up.

Wait. Can you teach me
how to be a better poker player?

What, now?
You might be dead later.
I need to know now.

Poker's about observing.
Now observe the U.S. Cavalry brand
on this horse.

They're not lndian ponies.
These are tells. You got tells too.

-You play with your hair at cards.
-I do not!

Would you two shut up? Just listen!
Sounds like a music box.
There they are.
There's the music box
she talked about.

And look at that fella
in the back.

He's wearing your sweetheart's
wedding dress, Mary Margaret.

Margaret--? Mary's not my sweetheart.
You're on a first name basis.
Would you two be quiet!
You're crazy!
Did you see any money over there?
We could take them easy.
They're half drunk.

What's ""we"" doing
in your vocabulary? It's your show.

You'd just stand there and
let me face 6 guys with 6 guns?

I have 1 gun with 6 bullets.
6 guns means 36 bullets.

What if they got 2? That's
72 bullets. Maybe they got rifles.
