He's a monster.
- Loris, have you finished?
- Pascucci.
- You forgot the trimmer.
- No, there it is.
And the chain saw?
I was just going to the garage
to get it.
If I were you, I'd put one here.
Who invited her?
Behind you.
The nymphomaniac.
Don't turn around.
What nymphomaniac?
Wanda, the nymphomaniac.
She'll have sex with anyone.
With anyone?
What do you mean, "anyone"?
Do you mean anyone anyone?
Don't turn around.
What do you have to do?
A smile, a wink and--
She always wants to do it.
First, she acts the lady, then--
- Where is she?
- Behind you.
She's sitting next to the red roses.
Near the red roses, right behind me.
Near the red roses
is a nymphomaniac ready to--
You're not thinking of--
- Are you kidding?
- She does it with everyone.
Did you unload the dummies?
I was on my way.
They're in the van.
I thought I'd put the dummy
with the chain saw here.