Help me!
Madam, don't leave me alone
with this chain saw from hell!
How do I stop it?
His eyes... much scarier.
Much, much scarier!
And his mouth... much uglier.
This is Professor Taccone,
an expert in criminal psychiatry.
It was terrible.
Just look!
I can't bear to think about it.
No more questions.
Just one:
choose one of these balls.
- Which one?
- Any one. Don't think it over.
The white one.
You can carry on.
The white one means she's a victim.
What did he do?
She was at a party.
Suddenly she felt an octopus's grip.
It slithered around her private parts
in ten seconds' time.
- Ten seconds isn't enough.
- Let me finish.
She went into the garage.
The pig was waiting for her,
sweating like a turkey...
a chain saw right at his crotch!
- How typical. He's our man.
- Obviously.
She fell
and he chased her with the saw.
He was in the throes of orgasm
as he shrieked...
"Stop, you motherfucker!
You bitch!"
Come here.
It happened in the same place.
Eighteen murders.
This was intended to be number 19.
- Let's arrest him.
- We don't have enough proof!
I want to catch him red-handed!
That's him!
My God, it's him!