Sorry to bother you.
I'm looking for Antonello.
How the hell are you?
It's nice to speak to you.
I can't come because
a pipe broke in my bathroom.
The second time this week.
I'm waiting for the plumber.
I shouldn't pay the maintenance fees?
They forced me to three days ago.
4,800,000. Three days ago.
4,800,000 for maintenance.
Where does it all go?
Into the manager's pocket.
My landlord.
The man on the phone over there
with graying hair.
What a thief.
He's promised this apartment
to 30 people already.
He makes them put down a deposit,
takes the money...
then he claims the signature
is a fake!
He pockets the money.
He has already swindled 30 people.
He keeps finding suckers.
I can't come
because I didn't sleep a wink.
The alarm went off next door.
Every time I started falling asleep--
All night long!
When they go away for the weekend...
they set tons of alarms.
If a fly lands on their front door,
they all go off.