So, listen...
I have to piss,
so I'm going to the cafe downstairs.
I'll call you back. Bye.
I thank you very much.
You haven't seen the best part.
I've seen enough.
I'll call you.
I'll call you.
Watch out.
You may be cunning, but I'll get you.
Make one false step
and I'll have you evicted.
And pay the maintenance fees
instead of squatting.
The caretaker has your bill.
Everyone else has paid.
Why hasn't he given it to me?
You ask why?
Because he hasn't seen you
for the last two weeks!
Is he blind?
I come and go all day!
Change caretakers.
I'll have you evicted,
or my name is mud!
You snot-nosed little brats!
Now I've got you!
- The doll!
- No, not my doll!
Goddamned water pistols!
I'll tear your doll to pieces one day!
Signora Squarciapini!
For the tenth time your daughter
Sue Ellen and that little punk...
have thrown a dead cat
into my apartment!