Naked Gun 33 1/3: The Final Insult

Honey... I've been waiting all day.
I'm wearing the nightgown
you bought me for our honeymoon.

Tonight's going to be special.
I'm going to make love to you
for hours and hours.

Wouldn't Mr Happy like that?
- Hours?
- Like our first time together.

Jane, why don't I soak in the tub
for a couple of days?

Possibly a week.
You're so cute.
Let me go get the oysters and clams.
I'll shave your back like last time.
Jane, I really
don't think we should. I...

Frank! What's this?
I... fell on a rake.
You're lying.
Now I know why Ed's been calling.

- You're back on a case, aren't you?
- No, I swear. It's another woman!

In your wildest dreams!
It's bad enough not having a baby,
but I warned you about Police Squad,

you white Anglo male!
It was nothing, Jane.
I was doing Ed a small favour!

Some retirement. I'm leaving, Frank.
I never thought
you'd go back on your word.

- Aren't you being hasty?
- I don't think so.

That's my cab. I'll be at Louise's.
Oh, Frank, how could you? We need
time apart to think about us.

I'm not going to think.
Why start now? I love you.
