Naked Gun 33 1/3: The Final Insult

I brought you
some of Frank's never-fail fudge!

You go on about your business.
I'll stay out of your hair.
It'll be...
Frank, let me take that.
We've got a surprise for you.

It's in honour of your thirty years
on the force. Nordberg.

Oh, boy. This is really great.
Thank you, guys.
We thought it might cheer you up.
We heard about you and Jane.
Jane, Jane. That name
will always remind me of her.

Frank, I feel really bad
about all of this.

If there's anything you need.
Dr Kevorkian's home phone number?
Nordberg, put it together.
- Frank, you know we're here for you.
- Thanks, Ed.

- Well, look who's here.
- Hi, Frank. Nice to see you.

- I've got that data on the bomb.
- What did you find out?

The explosive is a very fine powder.
- It tastes like...
- That's fertiliser. Another case.

This is what I'm talking about.
We detected a high quantity
of nitroglycerine.

- Can you tell us where it came from?
- I'd be glad to.

Billions of years ago,
the Earth was a molten mass...

Ted, I'm talking about the powder.
We don't know about that.
Let me take that urine specimen.

We found a list
of the bomber's plans at the scene.

On a hunch, we analysed the paper.
- And you got something?
- Yes.

The paper's from Statesville Prison.
- Are you sure?
- Positive. We analysed the fibres

and found them to be from
the rare Canary Island pine,

which grows only in Oregon.
Contacting paper mills in that area
led us to a distribution centre
in Tacoma.

Unfortunately, the trail ended there.
- How'd you trace it to the prison?
- Right here on the letterhead.

After comparing
handwriting of every known bomber

serving a stretch in Statesville,
