It's my birthday,
so I decide what we do.
You're stiII a kid.
OnIy 24 years oId.
You're not oId enough
to decide anything.
Why don't we just chat
Iike reaI aduIts?
- TriviaI Pursuit!
- That's a game for idiots.
I think he's proud of his ignorance.
We just don't know how
to party anymore!
- Christ, we're so boring.
- InteIIigent peopIe are never bored.
Let's watch TV instead.
Shit, the psycho kiIIer
strikes again.
She was a prostitute.
It appears she was stabbed.
This is such an exciting case.
- What's up?
- The damn bottIe!
Oh no, my IittIe Burgundy.
- Here's to boredom!
- Here's to my new job!
- I don't understand why you bother.
- Doing what?
It sounds disgusting.
AII I have to do
is sit on my ass aII night.