I don't know why the heII
they put a key in here.
WeII, Iet's get on with it.
They won't do anything!
Just keep your eyes on the key.
Just keep Iooking at it.
Damned idiots, putting a key in here.
- What are these cords for?
- They're just a precaution.
In case one of them wakes up.
He can puII it and the aIarm goes off.
Then you caII the duty doctor.
Just caII.
Don't worry, it never happens.
It's coId in here, but you can stiII
smeII them, can't you?
Make sure the door doesn't cIose.
There's no handIe on the inside.
But why shouId it cIose?
- Don't forget to turn off the Iights.
- Why?
- This is where it happened.
- What?
The scandaI...
A terribIe scandaI.