
I got a summer job.
As a beII ringer.

- A beII ringer?
- And you'II go to church on Sunday.

I'm going to officiate my first service.
He's working with corpses,
and you're into crucifixions.

Don't forget, I'm
rehearsing "Mephisto."

Excuse me.
What a bunch of queers, eh Guggi?
Visit me at work one night.
I chaIIenge you!

Do you know what I saw yesterday?
There was a girI standing at the bus
stop. But she didn't get on the bus.

So, she was waiting for another bus...
She was a hooker. Just 1 7. Joyce.
- How do you know?
- You're not very quick tonight.

What happened?
God, I'm restIess tonight.
There's a fuII moon.

I gave you 500 crowns!
Must be the monkeys' night out.
Stop gawking!
- I gave you 500.
- It was onIy 50.

- I just gave you 500 crowns.
- ReIax.

- Want a beer with me?
- Move your ass.

You shouIdn't taIk Iike that.
Am I right, Guggi?

The girIs are having a probIem.
