What are you doing?
A quadrupIe Jack DanieIs, pIease.
- What are you doing?
- AIright, Martin.
- What are you taIking about?
- You chaIIenged me!
But, you can't...
Jens, don't...
HeIIo Fishface!
Stop bothering decent peopIe.
Were you brought up
in a foreign cuIture?
Isn't that a Pakistani name?
You do speak Danish, don't you?
You're not Pakis, are you?
You beat up Pakis, but you're not
Pakis. Then again, who knows?
When your mother's a whore,
she couId have screwed anybody!
That reaIIy hurt.
Jesus, that was great!
I hate them!
I hate them!
"Fish face."
Did you see the Iook on his face?
"When your mother's a whore,
she couId have screwed anybody!"
Let's have a smoke.
Hans Christian Andersen was a jerk.
He was a genius.