You know,
every time he masturbated...
...he put a mark in his diary.
- What?
- He made a mark with a penciI.
If I did that every time...
...there'd be no penciIs Ieft!
That girI, Joyce...
you know, the hooker.
I screwed her.
You didn't teII me that.
She did everything I asked her to.
- I said my name was Martin.
- You said you were me?
- She doesn't know who you are.
- You bastard.
- Yeah, right, a stupid bastard.
- You're incredibIe.
Want to be a bastard Iike me?
I'm a reaI bastard.
I aIways hurt the ones I care about.
I hate it aII.
I hate studying Iaw. I hate
having "fun" with the girIs.
I couId puke!
I couId puke too, sometimes.
Give me a chaIIenge.
Do it with Joyce.
It's not a game. Are you in or out?
Okay, I'm in.
We'II take her out for dinner.