Peter Wörmer. Homicide.
Did I startIe you?
You're new here?
A Iaw student.
- I worked here when I was young.
- Here?
- I don't know who he is.
- Lewis Payne.
The picture was taken in 1865.
WhiIe he was on death row.
- That's what I reaIIy need now.
- What? Death row?
- No, a murderer.
- Has there been another one?
They're bringing in the body in now.
- This pIace gives me the creeps.
- Have you ever been in there?
Why not get it over with?
You're curious, aren't you?
If you don't do it,
you'II be haunted by fantasies.
Go on.
- Are you aII right?
- Shit. There was nothing but feet.
It makes you appreciate being aIive.