I didn't say how big it wouId be.
Bottoms up!
Drink it aII, Joyce.
You're dribbIing.
That wasn't part of the deaI.
How much for a smiIe?
So smiIe.
Not good enough. Make it Iook Iike
you're reaIIy having a good time.
TeII me you Iove me.
- Give me the money.
- I earned it.
- How much to give the money back?
- 100.
100 crowns for giving the
other 100 back!
Here. Give me my 100 crowns.
Listen, Joyce...
I'II give you 200 crowns
if you can say that you Iove me.
I Iove you.
That didn't sound quite right.
Can you beIieve that, Jens?
I'II add another 200. It's aII yours
if you can make it sound reaI.
I Iove you.