Patrolman Gerald Nash...
... was the first of 12 peace officers
that Mickey and Mallory murdered...
...during their reign of terror.
Gerald and his partner, Dale Wrigley...
... were parked at this doughnut shop,
Alfie's Donuts, when....
This 1 970 Dodge Challenger pulled up
across the street.
Gerald, only three weeks out
of the academy...
... walked out with a coffee...
. . .and my bear claw.
Driver asked him a question.
Where's Farmington?
Looked like he was giving
street directions.
Take it over to 66. . .
. . .and Farmington's up, 65 miles.
Quick ride.
You going there?
When he finished
and waved him thanks...
... then up come that shotgun.
You cop-killing cocksuckers!
In the ensuing chase...
...a tragic murder occurred.
American bronze medalist
marathon bicyclist....
I always wanted to take a shot at one.
They're not so easy to hit.
We raped and pillaged
the first show to do this.
We changed the order
so it's less obvious.
It needs a new intro. You can't
cannibalize yourself all the time.
Repetition works.
-You'll wind up with shit.
-Repetition works.
You think that those nitwits
in zombie-land remember anything?
It's junk food for the brains.
Filler. Fodder. Whatever.
Just build to the interview.
Keep saying that word,
"Live interview with Wayne Gale! "