Let her go. Let her go.
You okay, baby?
These boots were made for walking
And that's just what they'll do
One of these days these boots
Are gonna walk all over you
No pictures! No pictures!
Always wanted to meet you, Scagnetti.
I really respect you.
You know what?
I even bought your book.
I read the whole damn thing.
How about an autograph?
Warden. . .
. . .Jack Scagnetti.
Dwight McClusky. Welcome to hell.
Great to meet you, warden.
How are my two favorite assholes?
We got them two in there.
Wanna see them?
-Why not?
-Come on.
I seen you on TV. I even read
your goddamn book. I'm impressed.
Surprised Hollywood ain't found you.
Your story would be
a better movie than Serpico.
In all of my days
in the penal business--
And that ain't no small amount, right?
Mickey and Mallory are
the most twisted, depraved fucks. . .
. . .I have ever laid my damn eyes on.
These two motherfuckers
are a walking reminder. . .
. . .of how fucked up the system is.
Don't get me started, okay, warden?