Hey, Heather.
y ou hungry, Dylan?
It should have flex ed more.
I think the servos
got shorted out With blood.
Well, take it apart,
pull it out...
and insulate them
With some styro.
The thing Wasn't meant to be
submerged, for Pete's sake.
I don't like that thing.
That thing puts bread
on our table.
Is it alive, Daddy?
you're in the next shot.
State-of-the-art animatronics
With bio-organic grafting.
Bull tendons, nerve bundles
from a live Doberman.
Must've have picked up a signal
from an Eighties Walkie-talkie.
- Sure it's off?
- It's off.
Funny, it's Warm...
just like a real hand.
Oh, God.
What the hell's going on here?
Cut the effects!
Terry, Where is it? Terry!
Chuck, get off me!
Heather, Where is it?
Chase, Where the hell is it?
Come on.
What the fuck?!