Someone's coming.
Are you OK, honey?
Is everything OK?
It's just these quakes.
Did you feel one just noW?
No. A big truck Went by
before you opened the door.
It's life on the fault line.
- Hey, tiger.
- Hi, Julie.
Does he feel Warm to you?
He had a fever this morning.
No, he seems OK.
Are you sure
that's all that's Wrong?
Leave us alone,
you son of a bitch!
L.A. Limousine, ma'am.
Just Wanted you to knoW
I'm out front.
I'm sorry.
Can you hang on a minute?
What is it?
I don't knoW.
I just have
this Weird feeling today.
Mommy? Stay home, then.
This damn caller.
He's started again?