I'll call the cops for you.
y ou've got the number
on the fridge, right?
Give them
the time they called...
and they're keeping this list,
Julie, I'm really sorry.
My nerves are
a little raW these days.
It's OK.
y eah. I gotta go.
- Morning.
- Good morning.
y ou played that girl.
In that movie.
With the guy With the...
y eah, sure. That's you.
That's What I love
about this job.
I get to meet the stars.
I'm hardly a star.
What, are you kidding?
I love your stuff.
The first Was the best.
Where the girlfriend's cut open
and dragged across the ceiling.
It Was aWesome.
And When all that blood comes
out of your boyfriend's bed?
I thought I'd shit.
But they never should
have killed off Freddy.
Heather, look, We gotta go.
Cutting it close, aren't you?
y ou trying to get me fired?
OK! We're coming!
So, Heather, We're approaching
the tenth anniversary...
of this Whole
"Nightmare on Elm Street" thing.
I mean, the original,
five very popular sequels.
HoW has all the success
affected you personally?
I don't knoW
if it really has, Sam.
God. With the ex ception
of One and Three...
I pretty much stayed out of it.
Well, I'm doing a lot more
television noW...
so those hours
let me spend a lot more time...
With my husband
and my little boy.
y ou have a little boy.
What's his name?