I thought you killed Freddy off.
Well, We did, but the fans...
God bless them,
they're clamouring for more.
I guess evil never dies, right?
AnyhoW, a feW Weeks ago,
I got a call from Wes...
and he pitched me
this really ex citing idea...
and I started thinking...
"Who better to resurrect
Freddy than his creator?"
I thought Wes stopped
doing horror movies.
He actually told me he hadn't
called in the last ten years...
because he hadn't had
any really scary nightmares.
They're his inspiration
for this thing.
AnyhoW, he's right
in the middle of the script.
Which means
he's having nightmares again.
He's very ex cited about it.
- The nightmares?
- No, the script.
And you should be, too,
because you're the star.
I don't knoW, Bob.
I'm flattered, really,
but I have a kid noW.
Well, so?
So I'm not sure
about doing horror.
Come on, Heather.
Kids love horror.
Thank you so much, Bob.
I have other things happening.
Look, We'll match any offer
that's on the table for you.
No, it's not that.
Look, I have a fan.
Heather, you got plenty of fans.
We've been doing
marketing research on you.
y ou are rating right up there.
We've got Chase Working on
a prototype for the neW glove.
We asked him to kind of
keep it as a surprise...
until you and I could have
this conversation.
HoW long has Wes been
Working on this script?
I don't knoW.
A couple of months. Why?
And since you've been
thinking of making it...
has anything funny happened?
What do you mean?
Like Weird phone calls.
Or nightmares.
Why don't you ansWer
your phone, Bob?
That's What We got people
We pay around here for.
Will someone pick up
the damn phone?