Chase, you better come home.
Heather, I'm stuck here.
Neither Chuck or Terry
came in today.
Why? What's the matter?
- Chase, it's Dylan.
- What?
Hold on.
The phone's breaking up.
What's going on With Dylan?
He's had some sort
of an episode.
What kind of episode?
He Was just acting
very strangely.
Like somebody Was after him.
It's scary. It scared me.
He Was acting like...
Like What?
Like Freddy.
Heather, has there been
another phone call?
Why didn't you tell me
you Were Working on a neW glove?
And Why aren't Chuck and Terry
at Work today?
Forget those cloWns. AnsWer me.
Has there been another
phone call today or not?
I'm coming home.
I'll be there in three hours.
- Danny, I got to go.
- What's up?
My kid's sick. I got to fly.
" As soon as the sun Was up...
"the Witch made Gretel fetch
the Wood and kindle a fire.
"'We Will bake cookies first,'
she said.
"'I've heated the oven
and kneaded the dough.
"'CraWI in and see if the fire
is blazing high enough noW.'
" And she pushed Gretel
toWard the oven.
"The Witch Went to shut the door
and bake her inside."
This is so violent.