Dylan, you knoW as Well as I do.
They folloWed the trail of
breadcrumbs back to their house.
And then their father
covered them With kisses...
and they Were safe.
They Were safe,
and they could sleep.
- What is that?
- Rex.
Come on.
Rex keeps him doWn there.
The mean old man With the claWs.
He Wants to come up
While We sleep.
I keep my feet up here.
Rex keeps him doWn there.
He's my guard.
y ou should have a guard, too.
There's nothing doWn there.
Come here.
Look. See?
It's different When you're gone.
Come on.
On, please.
OK, sWeetie.
Night-night. Sleep tight.
Don't let the bedbugs bite.
- Daddy coming home?
- He's on his Way.
He can folloW
the breadcrumbs, right?
If the birds
don't eat them first.