I'd like to see once again.
I'm sorry?
Could you lift
the sheet again, please?
More, please.
What is that?
It Was a bad Wreck, ma'am.
The head's gonna be all right
for the funeral, but...
Hey, lady. y ou OK?
y ou sure?
Oh, God. What did that?
They said the truck
Was tore up something aWful...
so you can imagine him
not being in...
Well, exactly top shape.
It looks like he Was claWed.
That's Why We don't lift
the sheet past the face, ma'am.
Sometimes it's What We don't see
that gets us through the night.
So, if you'll just sign...
God is our hope and strength...
a very present help in trouble.
Therefore, We Will not fear...
though the earth be moved...
and though the hills
be carried...
into the midst of the sea...
though the Waters thereof
rage and sWell...
and though
the mountains shake...
at the tempest of the same.