Hi. y ou've reached
the Englund residence.
We're out of toWn.
y ou can leave a message
if you Wish, but...
We'll be gone for some time.
I Wish I could tell you
Where the script Was going.
The fact is I don't knoW.
I dream a scene at night,
I Write it doWn in the morning.
Beyond that, your guess is as
good as mine Where it's going.
At least tell me
What it's about so far.
- Coffee.
- Thanks.
I can tell you What
the nightmare's about so far.
It's about this entity...
Whatever you Want to call it.
It's old. It's very old.
It's existed in different forms
in different times.
The only thing that stays
the same is What it lives for.
What is that?
The murder of innocents.
This is still a script
We're talking about, right, Wes?
I sort of think of it
as a nightmare in progress.
In this nightmare in progress...
does this thing
have any Weaknesses?
It can be captured sometimes.
Captured? HoW?
By storytellers, of all things.
Every so often, they imagine
a story good enough...
to sort of catch its essence.
Then, for a While,
it's held prisoner in the story.
- Like the genie in the bottle.
- Exactly.
But the problem comes
When the story dies.
And that can happen
in a lot of Ways.
It can get too familiar...
or somebody Waters it doWn
to make it an easier sell...
or maybe it's so upsetting
that it's banned outright.
HoWever it happens,
When the story dies...