Get back!
Very impressive, Forrest, as always.
I'll expect your full report
on my desk by morning.
-You'll have it.
-I look forward to it.
All right, go on!
Get that goddamn diverter up there!
So, what did he say?
I don't know,
something about faulty preventers.
Nothing to do with it.
It was human error all the way, as usual.
As in almost every fire or spill
you've ever seen.
Am I right, Forrest?
Preventers were not the problem.
And the human error in this case
is Hugh Palmer.
He's the rig foreman, it's his responsibility.
And his burden to pay the penalty.
My oil is flowing all over the ocean...
...instead of into my refinery,
where it's worth money.
I'll have Eskimos and environmentalists...
...probing all the orifices of my body
for the next two weeks.